There are several options now available to assist with payment. Which one is right for you? It depends on your level of cover - we always recommend having private health insurance with cover for weight loss surgery as the safest option.
Chat to us for more personalised advice.
a) Privately insured (Gold level cover) - ZipMoney
- Likely total cost ~$5950 (for a sleeve gastrectomy including
* Surgical clinic fee
* Anaesthetic gap fee
* Assistant surgeon fee
b) Not insured for bariatric surgery - SuperCare or TLC
- Likely total cost ~$25,000+
* Hospital fees (~$17,000-$19,000)
* Surgical clinic fee
* Anaesthetic gap fee
* Assistant surgeon fee
Aurora Bariatrics is registered with ZipPay and ZipMoney. This means that you are now able to apply with them for a loan for your procedure and pay it off with an interest-free period of 6 months – Payments as low as $36/week. Contact us for more information about the ZipMoney Payment Plan.
The process to access your super can be difficult, especially if you have a short time to access it. To help with this there is a company called ‘Supercare’ which will organise all this for you and guide you through the process.
SuperCare is an external service provider assisting individuals and Family Members in applying for the Government’s Compassionate Early Release of Super Programme to cover surgery costs.
It is also permitted to access the super funds of a parent or spouse if your own super funds are inadequate.
SuperCare can help facilitate funding for gastric sleeve, band removal and your aftercare program.
For further information, please contact the SuperCare team on 1300 665 440 or visit the dedicated Aurora Bariatrics page on the SuperCare website
Aurora Bariatrics page:
TLC – fund all Medical costs and all affiliate fees
Suite 27, 146 Mounts Bay Road, Perth WA
Suite 20, Level 1, 100 Murdoch Drive, Murdoch WA
Western General Surgery, 4/200 Rokeby Road, Subiaco
PO Box 7177, Applecross North WA 6153
(The Rooms are not always staffed, so please ensure you have an appointment before attending)