We would like to thank you for entrusting your patient to our care.
A referral from a specialist General Practitioner (GP) or other Medical Specialist is accepted. It does not need to be a "named" referral.
Patients may refer themselves, but patients who attend without an approved referral will not receive a Medicare rebate for their initial consultation fee.
We are currently doing most consultations via Telehealth (Tuesdays and Wednesdays), however we are also seeing patients in person at Murdoch on fortnightly Tuesdays and in Perth CBD fortnightly Tuesdays.
Dr Blackham also visits Albany monthly and sees patients in her rooms at Great Southern Specialist Centre.
Referrals can be sent via
We will contact the patient to make an appointment.
We maintain allocations for new referrals on each day of clinic. If you have a preferred potential date(s) of surgery please let us know early.
Our friendly staff can assist with information regarding:
Suite 27, 146 Mounts Bay Road, Perth WA
Suite 20, Level 1, 100 Murdoch Drive, Murdoch WA
Western General Surgery, 4/200 Rokeby Road, Subiaco
PO Box 7177, Applecross North WA 6153
(The Rooms are not always staffed, so please ensure you have an appointment before attending)